Page 49 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 49

It’s Beekeeping Over Engineering for

                            UP’s Nimit Singh

            The youth of India are            Alok Kumar, a close associate
        becoming innovators, making        of Nimit Kumar, said, “Two years
        conscious, sustainable choices     ago, a loan of 10 lakhs was taken
        when it comes to their careers.    by Nimit under the PM Yuva
        Standing true to the title of      Swarozgar Yojana. Thereafter,
        change-makers    of  tomorrow,     with a lot of hard work, he
        and the torchbearers of India’s    established his business and also
        future, the youth is revolutionizing   set up a honey processing unit.
        the employment space.  One         Today, many unemployed youth
        such youth Nimit Singh talked to   are being trained under him.”
        our Doordarshan team about his        Talking about his mention in
        venture.                           ‘Mann ki Baat’, Nimit said, “It gives
            Having pursued his B.Tech and   us a great motivational push to
        hailing from a family of doctors,   see our work getting recognized
        Nimit, instead of taking a job post   on such a platform by the Hon’ble
        his studies, chose the path of     Prime Minister. It also gives us a
        self-employment and pursued a      sense of responsibility to perform
        career in honey production.        better in the field. It encourages
            Applying   his   theoretical   many other beekeepers to grow
        knowledge to practical play,       their businesses and adopt honey
        Nimit not only started a business   production as a sustainable
        of beekeeping but also set up      profession.”  He  added,  “The
        a lab to run quality checks on     mention of our work in Hon'ble
        the honey produced in Lucknow.     PM’s ‘Mann ki Baat’ also brings
        Nimit is making a handsome         the attention of the nation to the
        income out of the business, He     versatile ways in which nature’s
        is also traveling across India,    creatures,  honey   bees,  are
        to different states and training   contributing to mankind. And for
        farmers on the skill and science   this, I am extremely grateful to
        of beekeeping.                     him.”

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