Page 55 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 55
Prime Minister has enunciated the Madhavpur and surrounding
concept of 'Ek Bharat Shreshtha villages. Madhavpur Ghed Mela is
Bharat'. organized in the month of ‘Chaitra’
Assam and Gujarat are i.e., during March-April, the time
geographically dispersed by when Assam also celebrates its
around three thousand kilometres, ‘Rongali Bihu’. So culturally, both
yet linkages between the two the people of Gujarat and Assam
states have deep historical and appear connected.
civilizational roots, As per our My gratitude to the Prime
mythological accounts, Lord Minister Narendra Modi who
Krishna married Rukmini – the is instrumental in making
princess of Kundil kingdom Madhavpur Ghed Mela an instant
situated somewhere in India’s fame. This Mela is not only giving
North East. It does not end here. us the opportunity to cherish the
Our very own, legendary singer greatness of our country but also
Bharat Ratna Dr. Bhupen Hazarika a feeling of universal brotherhood.
married Priyambada Patel whose Recently, in ‘Mann ki Baat’ the
family hailed from this blessed Prime Minister mentioned about
land. Incidentally, this bonding various fairs organized across our
which started in the bygone days great land. This has propelled me
continues to grow with every to express my thoughts about my
passing day. Both the states are visit to Madhavpur Ghed Mela.
strongly connected historically, We feel grateful for the
culturally, philosophically with one leadership of our Prime Minister.
aim - that is, unification of India. Many accomplishments have
True to the spirit of the state, been achieved in the last 8 years.
the Madhavpur Ghed Mela was Among other things, we have
organized very professionally learnt to rediscover our glorious
and my personal experience traditions, cultures and inner
after visiting the Mela was simply vitality. Madhavpur Ghed Mela is
unique. Moreover, the devotional a classic example of this brilliant
ambience of the fair, the vibrant initiative.
display of cultural traditions
and the confluence of people of
different backgrounds have really
made the Mela an important event
in the national tourist calendar. It
was really a delightful experience
for me to have been received by
the lovely people who accorded
me a grand welcome in the midst
of the soothing feeling of the Mela.
It is fascinating to witness
the celebrations to epitomize
the marriage of Shree Krishna
and Rukmini by the people of
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