Page 56 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 56
Historic Minjar Mela of
Himachal Pradesh
Chamba’s popular
fair, Minjar Mela, is
attended by a large
number of people from
across the country. This
fair is held on the second
Sunday of Shravana
month. It is announced
by distribution of Minjar,
which is a silk tassel
worn on by men and
women as part of their
dresses. about Mr. Ashish Bahl, a school
The week-long fair begins teacher from Chamba, who
when the Minjar flag is hoisted wrote a detailed letter about the
in the historic Chowgan area of Minjar Mela. Our Doordarshan
the town. The whole of Chamba team talked to him.
becomes colourful with people “PM Narendra Modi always
turning out in their best attires. mentions about culture, traditions
Sports and cultural programmes and other related practices during
are organized. On the third his ‘Mann ki Baat’. Motivated by
Sunday, the gaiety, colourfulness this, I wrote a letter to him on the
and enthusiasm reaches its first day of Minjar Mela mentioning
crescendo when the colourful in detail about the rich culture
Minjar procession of the deities, and traditions of Minjar Mela and
accompanied by dancing Chamba. I requested to him that
troupes, traditionally attired locals, a mention of the Mela by him will
traditional drum beaters along help in increasing the tourism of
with Police and Home Guards the Chamba along with promoting
band begins its march from the traditions and culture of
Akhand Chandi Palace. the region. We, the residents of
For tourists, Minjar Mela is a Chamba consider ourselves
time to witness the rich culture, fortunate that PM Narendra Modi
savour traditional dishes and talked about our tradition in such
buy souvenirs like the famous a beautiful way. Today, Minjar
embroidered Chamba rumal, Mela has been highlighted not just
hand-woven Shawls and the at the national but global level.
Chamba Chappal. With this, I am sure that our culture
The Prime Minister, while and traditions will keep flourishing
beautifully explaining the the way it has been happening
meaning of Minjar, mentioned since ages.”