Page 51 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 51

Narendra Modi talked about the     different cultures and traditions.
        cultural importance of fairs in our   In fact, attending fairs are one
        country. He mentioned various      of the best ways to explore and
        fairs like Minjar Mela and Sair of   understand India. This is true
        Himachal Pradesh that celebrate    for not just foreign tourists but
        the agriculture, Jagra fair of     for every citizen of the country.
        Uttarakhand    and    Himachal     India, a land of ancient history,
        Pradesh     that     celebrates    heritage and culture is one of the
        religion, and numerous tribal      favorite destinations for cultural
        festivals like Medaram Jatara      tourism across the world. Each
        or Samakka-Saralamma Jatara        year, lakhs of tourists visit India
        of Telangana, Maridamma fair       to witness the unique yet diverse
        of Andhra Pradesh, Siyawa Ka       culture that India is a home to.
        Mela of Rajasthan, Mawli Mela of   Traditional fairs are one of the
        Chhattisgarh, Bhagoria Mela of     cultural heritages of our country
        Madhya Pradesh, Tarentar and       and it attracts tourists from
        Madhopur fairs of Gujarat. Each    far-off places as well. For
        one of these provides a unique     instance, Pushkar fair, an annual
        flavor of India and cherish the    multi-day livestock fair that
        ethos of 'Ek Bharat - Shreshtha    happens in Pushkar, Rajasthan,
        Bharat'.                           alone attracts around 2 lakh
            These fairs and festivals      tourists from  India and  abroad;
        give us a unique opportunity       Kumbh Melas witness a footfall of
        to witness, learn and enjoy        more than 20 crore visitors from

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