Page 50 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 50


                                 KEEPING THE TRADITION OF INDIA ALIVE

                                              The Indian Calendar dances
            Fairs are the source  of
        energy for our society and life.   on the hues and rhythms of
        In modern times, these old         endless folklores and beliefs.
        links of the society are very      Every region, season and religion
        important to strengthen the
        spirit of ‘Ek Bharat-Shreshtha     have plenty to celebrate. It can
        Bharat’.                           be said that there is at least one
        -Prime Minister Narendra Modi      traditional  festival or  fair being
         (in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address)   celebrated in some corner of the
                                           country every day. Most of these
                                           celebrations  revolve  around
                                           religious  beliefs,   customs,
                                           traditions, change of seasons,
                                           and agricultural activities.
                                              Not only do these fairs allow
                                           social groups to remain tied to
                                           each other through exchange
                                           of services, goods and gifts but
                                           they also provide a unifying basis
                                           for the Indian society and culture
                                           to thrive upon. In fact, the ‘sense
                                           of oneness’ which one finds in
                                           the  Indian community  is largely
             “The   Mawli   Mela   of      on account  of the steadfast
          Narayanpur   has   become        observance of this culture of fairs
          very famous ever since PM        and festivals in  India.  If not for
          Narendra Modi has mentioned      it, the Indian society could not
          about it on his ‘Mann ki Baat’. I
                                           have overcome the tumultuous
          am very thankful to the Prime
                                           changes that it has passed
                                           through over its long periods of
                      -Jacky Kashyap
                  Member of Dev Mela
                                              During his recent ‘Mann ki
                Committee, Mawli Mela
                                           Baat’ address Prime Minister
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