Page 60 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 60
The year 2020, the world was
India has full potential to
become a powerhouse in toys’ met with the unprecedented
exports. The local toys of India crisis of COVID-19 pandemic.
are eco-friendly, consonant At a time when every country
with both tradition and nature.
across the globe was forced to
Today, when it comes to Indian
toys, the echo of ‘Vocal for Local’ live in a bubble, the Prime Minister
is being heard everywhere. recognised the importance
Now, the number of toys of local manufacturing, local
coming from abroad in India is
markets, and local supply chains.
continuously decreasing.
As he gave the clarion call for
-Prime Minister Narendra Modi
achieving an ‘Atmanirbhar
(in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address)
Bharat’, the Prime Minister
appealed to the citizens to go
‘Vocal for Local’.
One sector which found
aapda mein avsar and proved its
mettle by transforming itself was
"Transforming the toy the Indian toy industry. In his August
industry was not child’s play,
2020 ‘Mann ki Baat’ address, the
but the Modi government
has an impeccable track Prime Minister had given a clarion
record of delivering tough call on ‘Rebranding the Indian
targets. We made a series Toy Story’. And in just a matter of
of strategic interventions three years, the import of toys has
to address the import of
gone down by 70 per cent, which
low-quality and hazardous
toys and to enhance clearly indicates the increasing
domestic manufacturing. popularity of indigenous toys
The Government along in the country. Imports today
with the domestic industry are mainly restricted to some
aims to continue its efforts
components of the toys. Be
to transform the Indian toy
Industry and make India a it wooden or terracotta dolls,
Global Toy Hub." puzzles, board games, or video
-Piyush Goyal game consoles — everything is
Union Minister
now being domestically designed