Page 59 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 59

harmony, the journey through       Yoga – the Transformer
        life is calmer, happier and more
                                           Over  the  past  5-6  years,
                                           Yoga has entered the life of
        Benefits beyond the Mat            almost every other individual.
                                           Right  after  our  Hon’ble  Prime
        As an athlete, we are facilitated
                                           Minister got the resolution
        with equipment to perform
                                           passed in the UN to declare
        exercises for physical health,
                                           21  June as the ‘International
        but there’s no machinery for
                                           Yoga Day’, Yoga has broken
        mental health exercise. That’s
                                           its boundaries of remaining
        where Yoga comes in. And inner
                                           confined  to  being  just an
        power and strength are most
                                           ancient Indian art of healthy
        invaluable assets to win any
                                           living and has travelled to
                                           every part of the globe. Well,
        Moreover,          weightlifters   I would rather call Yoga now
        experience a lot of muscle         – the Universal Art of Healthy
        tightening in strength training    Living and once we take a
        and Yoga showers its magic there   plunge to practice it, we never
        by helping us to release tight     stop exploring the better
        muscles, encouraging flexibility.   version of ourselves.

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