Page 60 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 60

international day of yoGa

                                           spiritual, emotional and mental
                                           health has become a global
                                           treasure and an international
                                           movement. Its success is not the
                                           strength of the support in the
                                           UNGA, but the enthusiastic and
                                           voluntary participation by millions
                                           of people in every country of the
                                           world  on  the International  Day
                                           of Yoga, or IDY. Cutting across
                                           age, gender, ethnicity, religions,
               Jawed Ashraf                beliefs,  languages,  cultures,
                                           professions and pursuits, people
          India's Ambassador to France
                                           come  together  to  celebrate  the
                                           IDY. Nothing in our often fractured
                                           world unites humanity in a shared
        As   we    approach   the   8
                                           pursuit for a common good today
        International Day of Yoga, I
                                           more than the IDY.
        remember     Prime    Minister’s
        maiden speech to the United        As   Hon’ble   Prime   Minister
        Nations General Assembly (UNGA)    announced in ‘Mann Ki Baat’ on
        in September 2014, in which he     29  May, the power of Yoga to link
        asked the global body to declare   the world will be aptly captured
        June 21 as the International       in the programme of Global
        Day of Yoga. By standards of       Yoga Ring on 21  June, in which
        conventional foreign policy, it was   Yoga events will follow sunrise
        bold, imaginative and innovative.   in cities across the world from
        Its purpose, however, was rooted   the east to the west, through all
        in the core principles of the UN   the  time  zones  and  will  be  live-
        Charter  and the fundamental       streamed globally. This will be
        values of humanity – a healthy     one manifestation of this year’s
        individual,   a    harmonious      theme, ‘Yoga for Humanity’, which
        society, a peaceful world and a    reflects  Prime  Minister’s  –  and
        sustainable planet. The response   India’s efforts – to heal a world
        was unprecedented.  The UNGA       wounded and debilitated by
        resolution was co-sponsored by     COVID and conflicts.
        more than 170 of the 193 member
                                           Serving in various cities abroad
        countries  and was adopted
                                           over three decades, I discovered
        unanimously within a few weeks.
                                           that Yoga had an international
        Over  the  past  seven  years,     following, albeit on a limited
        an ancient  gift  of India  for    scale. However, IDY and India’s
        wholesome living and physical,     continuous  efforts  at  scientific
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