Page 61 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 61

validation of Yoga’s benefits have   In France, and Europe more
        done much to bring Yoga to a       broadly, I am constantly struck by
        wider global community.            the widespread practice of Yoga.
                                           There are organisations, run by
        Singapore, where I served last,
                                           French Yoga teachers, that have
        has an area of just 718 sq km.
                                           thousands of members. I hear
        In 2019, IDY was marked by 180
                                           from people from diverse walks
        Yoga sessions in 120 venues
                                           of life – celebrities in cinema and
        with thousands of participants
                                           entertainment industry, corporate
        from  all communities.  Many  of
                                           executives,  office  workers,  sports
        these sessions were in old age
                                           trainers – how Yoga is an integral
        homes, hospitals, mental health
                                           part of their mornings. Many are
        institutions, schools, corporate
                                           practicing  Yoga  for  more  than
        offices  and  community  centres.
                                           two decades. A financial investor
        Most    were    organized   by
                                           said that he saw a correlation
        local  institutions.  Singapore
                                           between his practice of Yoga and
        Government’s        grassroots
                                           his focus on investing in green
        organization for healthy living,
                                           and clean energy.
        SG Active, was a strong partner
        in  this  endeavour.  Yoga  has    During the lockdowns in 2020 and
        now been incorporated into         2021, virtual sessions replaced
        the routine of many of these       physical ones across the world,
        institutions.                      with an even higher level of

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