Page 62 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 62
participation. Interest in Yoga preserve of saints, monks or
and Ayurveda also increased. spiritual masters. It is within the
This is because the pandemic reach, means and capability of
generated an acute sense of every individual. It does not require
isolation, anxiety, uncertainty, a great deal of time and can be
fear and stress. There was easily woven into our everyday
a strong desire to enhance lives. It helps improve physical
immunity, wellness, strength, strength, balance, flexibility and
resilience and, at the emotional mobility; build equanimity, inner
and psychological level, a peace, focus, concentration and
sense of balance, equanimity consciousness; and, by internal
and positivity. A larger number transformation, brings numerous
of people across all sections health benefits and acts as an
of society turned to Yoga and antidote to lifestyle diseases.
Ayurveda to seek a holistic and Beyond that, it becomes a way
sustainable solution to their of thinking and living that has a
challenges. positive impact on all aspects of
Yoga is rooted in India’s human and material interaction.
civilizational and spiritual The rapid growth in the practice
heritage, but by embracing it, of Yoga across the world,
the world has shown that Yoga including among the youth, is the
is neither defined nor bound by strongest testimony to its benefits
religion or beliefs, nor is it the and values.