Page 42 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 42

platform to consolidate farmers,   branding,     labelling   and
        Food Production Organisations      promotion,        international
        (FPOs), exporters, associations,   outreach, and policy interventions
        other stakeholders, research and   for  mainstreaming.   Bringing
        innovation, and identification     back the glory of millets will
        of new potential international     make the country Atmanirbhar in
        markets for promotion of  Indian   three areas — food, nutrition, and
        millets.                           economy. These miracle grains
            The Prime Minister himself is   are capable of orchestrating a
        making efforts to promote millets   food revolution, which will be a
        and spread holistic wellness to    win-win for both the producers
        the world. In his recent ‘Mann ki   and the consumers.
        Baat’ address, he shared that
        he makes it a point that dishes
                                                   PM’s clarion call
        made of millets are served to
                                            “India is the largest producer of
        the foreign dignitaries visiting
                                            millets in the world; hence the
        India. “And the experience has
                                            responsibility of making this
        been that these dignitaries have    initiative a success also rests
        very much relished them and         on the shoulders of us Indians.
        they also try to collect a lot of   Together, we all have to make
        information about our millets,”     it a mass movement, and also
        he said.                            increase the awareness of
            In  the  run  up   to  the      millets among the people of
        International Year of Millets, the   the country.
        Government has evolved the
                                            In this festive season, we also
        ‘Seven Sutras’ — enhancement
                                            use millets in most of the
        of      production/productivity,
                                            dishes. You must share the
        nutrition & health benefits, value
                                            pictures of such delicacies
        addition, processing and recipe     made in your homes on social
        development, entrepreneurship/      media, so that it helps in
        startup/collective development,     increasing awareness among
        awareness creation including        people about millets.”

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