Page 41 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 41

                                  CROPS OF THE
                      Rich in micronutrients &  Not water or external input
                      vitamins                        intensive
                      Balanced amino acid profile  Have shorter cultivation cycles
                      Low glycemic index, gluten-free  Sustainable food source for
                      High in dietary fibre,   combating world hunger
                      antioxidants              Can help build resilient
                      Can help keep diabetes,     agri-food systems
                      obesity, cardiac & liver  Contribute to SDGs 1, 2, 12, 13

                      diseases in check           GOOD FOR PLANET

                                  Sustainable source of
               GOOD FOR CONSUMER
                                  income for farmers
                                  Photo-insensitive, drought
        Government                Resistant to pests & diseases  also organizes
                                  Can withstand variations
        is taking various         in moisture, temperature,   sensitization
                                  soil type
        measures to create        Require less cost-intensive  programmes  for
        further domestic and   GOOD FOR FARMER     millet  start-ups   to

        international  demand                    familiarize  them about
        and to raise awareness                  export  opportunities.  Over
        of the nutritional value of this   500 start-ups are working in
        superfood to the public. In a major   the millet value chain while
        boost to production and exports    the Indian Institute on Millets
        of  millets,  Finance  Minister    Research (IIMR) has incubated
        Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, in        250   startups  under   RKVY-
        her Budget speech in February      RAFTAAR. The Finance Minister
        2022, announced assistance for     recently announced a ‘Millet
        post-harvest value addition and    Challenge’ for startups, with a
        branding of millet products in     seed grant of Rs 1 crore to the
        the domestic as well as global     winners, to encourage design
        markets. In order to promote       and development of innovative
        millets,  they  have  been  brought   solutions for and across the
        under the National Food Security   millets’ value chain.
        Mission   (NFSM)   and    their       A leading exporter of millets
        prescribed purchases in MSP are    globally, India is also taking
        being done.                        steps to promote the knowledge
            To give impetus to the export   associated with millets and
        of  potential  products  as  well   its  benefits.  These  include  the
        as to remove the bottlenecks       establishment of the Centre
        in the supply chain of nutri-      for Excellence, integration of
        cereals, the Agricultural and      nutri-cereals in the National
        Processed Food Products Export     Food Security Act, and the
        Development Authority (APEDA)      establishment of Millet Missions
        has  created  the  Nutri  Cereals   in multiple States. Further, efforts
        Export Promotion Forum, which      are being made for identification
        also included millets’ exports. It   of millet  clusters, creation of  a

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