Page 58 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 58

Impact of Digital India

                        on Indian Industry

                                           but also boosting its productivity.
                                           Remote corners of the country
                                           are now digitally connected,
                                           leading  to benefits  such as
                                           transfer of knowledge and skills
                                           apart from widening the market
                                           for  commercial   transactions.
                                           Millions of jobs have been
                                           created directly for persons
                                           involved in the digital sector,
              Chandrajit Banerjee
                                           and also indirectly by expanding
                Director General,
                                           the market for all products and
         Confederation of Indian Industry  services that can now be digitally
                                              It is expected that Digital India
                                           will boost the Gross Domestic
            The Digital India mission      Product  of  the  economy  upto
        launched   by   Hon’ble  Prime     $1 trillion by 2025 by majorly
        Minister has had transformational   contributing to macroeconomic
        impact on the country’s growth,    indicators  including  national
        modernisation    and     socio-    income, employment, economic
        economic progress. Through this    growth rate, industrial production,
        mission, the Government has        international trade etc.
        revamped the delivery of public       Digitalisation          has
        goods to needy citizens and also   empowered      the    common
        created  multiple opportunities    man by utilising information
        for  Indian   businesses.  The     technology  as an  enabler.  The
        partnership with the private       fundamental way of functioning
        sector in implementing and         of every sector has changed
        rolling out Digital India is an    in an unprecedented manner
        exemplary model of collaboration   and technology has been the
        and successful outcomes.           key driver of this tectonic shift
            The digital transformation of   across  critical sectors  such as
        the country is not only leading    banking, health care, education,
        to increased economic activity     agriculture, manufacturing and
                                           retail, with an explosion of smart

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