Page 60 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 60

Digital Revolution Making

                         India Self-Reliant

                                           The second aspect to look at is
                                           the e-commerce buyers, which
                                           was only 10 million in the country
                                           a decade ago, and today that
                                           number has grown at a pace of
                                           35x and is over 350 million. This
                                           growth has heralded India as
                                           the  third-largest  e-commerce
                                           economy in the world. This is
                                           indeed a revolution!
                                              A  notable aspect  of  this
                  Deep Kalra               growth is that half of the 700
                                           million internet users in India today
         Founder Chairman, Make My Trip
                                           are from the hinterland, from the
                                           rural parts of the country, majorly
                                           tier 3, tier 4, and tier 5 cities. This
                                           is  because  of  the  advent  of  4G
                                           connectivity available everywhere
                                           in the country due to the diligent
            Sh. Deep Kalra's  interview    efforts of the Government. Digital
        with Doordarshan on the impact     India, thus, makes up for the
        of  India's digital  revolution  on   founding stone which has led the
        various sectors.                   digital revolution in India.
            From the hinterland to the last   With  the  3  core founding
        man  in  the  queue,  PM’s  vision  of   blocks in place, the Government,
        digital India is changing the lives   through the means of Digital
        of millions of people. It is apt to say   India has given rise to an efficient
        that India is currently experiencing   public-private partnership. Firstly,
        a ‘digital revolution’ which is    Digital  India  has  established  4G
        changing the face of India’s digital   availability in virtually every corner
        landscape.                         of the country, and now with 5G
            To  fully  understand  the     in the offing, it will only explode
        magnitude of this revolution, one   further. Secondly, UPI has changed
        must look back at India a decade   the game of payments in India,
        ago, having a mere 130 million     making    online   transactions
        internet users in the country,     easy  and  secure. Thirdly  and
        majorly on PC. Today that number   most importantly, JAM trinity has
        is almost touching a whopping      allowed e-identification, curbing
        700 million, which is 5x the growth,   id thefts in India and leading the
        making India the second largest    way for financial inclusion. These
        internet  economy  in  the  world.   three core founding blocks have

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