Page 59 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 59

and connected devices, robust      critically, the digital transition of
        applications and use cases.        rural India.
        This  has  been  made  possible       The Digital India initiatives
        by ensuring rapid rollout of       by the Government of India are
        broadband infrastructure to all    further accelerating access to
        parts of the country through the   digital services and infrastructure
        Digital India mission.             to every citizen in the country.
            Whether    it   is   digital   To  drive  this  programme,  the
        enablement     facilitated  by     Government of India has rolled out
        start-ups or futuristic digital    several initiatives like BharatNet,
        payment           infrastructure,  Jan  Dhan -  Aadhaar  - Mobile,
        India  has   seen   astonishing    Pradhan Mantri Gramin Digital
        progress. The advancement of       Saksharta Abhiyan, etc. These
        a digital payments                 initiatives are directed towards
        ecosystem    is   a                making the Indian citizens more
        critical component                   digitally literate and are playing
        of   Digital  India                       a key role in bridging the
        which has resulted                                  digital divide
        in      increased                                     at speed.
        efficiency,                                               India’s
        transparency,                                       digital journey
        and     quality                                  has  just  begun.
        in the financial                              The   Indian   tech
        sector and  the                             industry is expected
        economy as  a                             to be a key player in
        whole. India has                         emerging    technologies
        seen   mammoth                         such as artificial intelligence,
        growth    in   digital              machine learning, blockchain,
        payment     transactions           data analytics etc. across various
        from  2,071  crore  in  FY  2017-  sectors such as agriculture,
        18  to  8,840  crore  in  FY  2021-22   education, financial,  retail, and
        and is expected to double such     healthcare,  empowered      by
        transactions in value to $10 trillion   Digital India.
        by 2026.                              India enjoys the advantage
            On the other hand, start-      of being one of the fastest
        ups in digital infrastructure are   growing  economies  in  the  world
        empowering  India to become        and under Digital India, it has
        a  global  digital  knowledge  hub.   the potential to become a global
        The startup aided innovations      leader for the next phase of the
        are     contributing   towards     evolving digital era.
        employment    generation  and,

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