Page 48 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 48
Madhukeshwar Hegde’s Beekeeping
is Seasoned with Innovation
When the name
itself has the term
‘Madhu’ in it, it ought
to be a sweet story of
success. A farmer from
Karnataka, has taken
beekeeping to newer
heights by infusing it
with innovation.
M ad hu ke sh w ar
Hedge talked to our
Doordarshan team
about his beekeeping
In his ‘Mann ki Baat’
address, the Prime
Minister revealed that
Madhukeshwar ji had
availed a subsidy from
the Government of India
for 50 bee colonies.
Today, as a by-product
of his dedication, touch of sweetness for his state
hard work, and persistence, he and bringing pride to its people.
possesses over 800 colonies and “I am extremely grateful for
sells tons of honey all over the the honour that the Hon'ble PM
country. Narendra Modi has bestowed
Not only that, Madhukeshwar upon me by taking my name and
Hedge has taken it a notch sharing my story in his ‘Mann ki
higher and brought flavour and Baat’ address. It is because of the
innovation in his work. Broadening support and cooperation of the
his spectrum of honey production, people, especially Vishweshwar
he is also making botanical Hegde, without whose support I
honey with a flavourful variety of wouldn’t have been able to reach
Jamun honey, Tulsi honey and such heights.”
Amla honey.
Staying true to the meaning Scan here to know more
of his name, Madhukeshwar about Dr. Madhukeshwar
Hedge is certainly bringing in a Hegde