Page 45 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 45


                        Jowar       Bajra      Jhangora   Kangni
                        Dosa        Khichdi Kheer          Murukku

          Staple food of the  With a better  This nutritious  A sweet dish  Usually made with
          Monpa tribe of  nutritional profile  dish, popular in  prepared with  rice flour, this popular
          Arunachal   than rice, Sorghum  Gujarat and  milk, sugar, and  and traditional South
          Pradesh, Zan is a  or Jowar Dosa is a  Rajasthan, is  local barnyard  Indian savoury snack,
          kind of finger  healthy and  prepared from  millet, or  can alternatively be
          millet, or Ragi  nutrient-dense  pearl millet, or  Jhangora, this is a  prepared using foxtail
          porridge. Ragi is  alternative to the  Bajra and lentils.  favourite dessert
                                                           millet, or Kangni.
          an excellent  regular rice dosa.  Bajra reduces the  in Uttarakhand.
                                                           Foxtail millet has
          source of Vitamin  Jowar is rich in  risk of obesity and  Also known as
                                                           double the protein
          B and potassium,  protein, fibre, folic  diabetes. It is also  Sanwa, it is a good
                                                           content compared to
          and is anti-  acid, calcium, iron,  a good source of  source of highly
                                                           rice. It controls blood
          diabetic and good  zinc and sodium. It  many nutrients  digestible protein,
                                                           sugar, cholesterol,
          for the heart.  helps control  that contribute to  iron, dietary fibre,
                                                           and increases
                      cardiac problems,  healthy hair, skin,  and exceptionally
                      obesity, and arthritis.  and nails.  low in calories.

        •   Folic acid helps with iron        the winters - eat them with
            assimilation and improves         jaggery and ghee.
                                           2.   Jowar is better for summers -
            skin, health, and fertility.
                                              eat it with a chutney.
                                           3.   Ragi is year around and can
        For best results :
                                              even be turned into a dosa,
        •   One should not mix millets
                                              laddoo, etc. In fact, even
            randomly   (like  multigrain
                                              bajra makes for an excellent
            breads), and have them one
                                              laddoo to prevent hair loss.
            at a time.
        •   The meal may be finished
                                              Moving away from traditional
            with jaggery and ghee.         foods reduces their farming,
        •   Chutney can be added to the    which in turn has an adverse
            meal.                          effect on soil health and ecology,
                                           putting not just our health but our
        A quick seasonal guide for         entire future at risk. Bring back the
        millets:                           millets in your plate!
        1.   Bajra and Makai are for

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