Page 46 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 46

Millets: Good for Environment

                               and Health

                                           easy to grow as compared to
                                           paddy and can be grown on any
                                           kind of soil.
                                              Millets  require  less water  to
                                           grow, which also means usage
                                           of less electricity and resources,
                                           which make these crops highly
                                           profitable for the farmers.
                                              Even the waste, or the husk
                  Jaiveer Rao              that is obtained after extracting
              CEO, The Pickle Story        the millets is used as cattle fodder,
                                           which is highly fibrous and have
                                           high amounts of minerals. There
            Sh. Jaiveer Rao's interview    is also a possibility of producing
        with Doordarshan on the benefits   2G (lignocellulosic) ethanol from
        of millets.                        the biomass of millet straw.
            India is the largest producer     Healthwise, millets help in
        of the millets. These crops have   fighting  diabetes,  controlling
        been there in our culture since
        ages. They have been mentioned
        in our Puranas and Vedas. It
        delights me that the United
        Nations has declared 2023 as the
        International Year of Millets and
        that more than 70 countries have
        supported our Hon’ble Prime
        Minister’s endeavour.
            As  far  as   benefits  are
        concerned, millets have both
        environmental  as  well  as  health
        benefits. When you grow millets,
        you require less amount of water,
        and you get a greater number
        of crops in a year. They are also

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