Page 43 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 43

SHGs, FPOs — The Key Players in

                     India’s Millet Revolution

            In  2021,  as  part  of
        ‘Aatmanirbhar     Narishakti
        Se   Samvad’,   the   Prime
        Minister  had    interacted
        with the women members
        of Rudrapur-based Shakti
        Sahayata Samooh. A Self-
        Help Group (SHG), Shakti
        Sahayata Samooh runs a
        bakery that prepares millet
        biscuits, resulting in each
        member of the group earning
        Rs. 7,500 per month.
            As the demand for millets
        is growing in the market, the      FPO. Apart from selling value
        SHGs in the country are rising to   added products like, millet atta,
        the opportunity. Ragi cookies,     sev, cakes, the organisation also
        bajra biscuits, jowar puffs, and   organizes skill-oriented training
        traditional delicacies like millet   programmes for women farmers
        halwa, kheer, upma, and dosa are   to improve millet productivity and
        quite popular among consumers      provide access to market-related
        these  days.  And several  SHGs    input and services. Another such
        are involved in preparation and    organisation,  Karnataka-based
        marketing of these products.       Koppal Millets is also selling
            Some State initiatives are also   popular millet products like millet
        helping the women associated       papad, idli rava, noodles, and
        with SHGs to get involved in the   cookies.
        entire millet value chain. Under      FPOs are also connecting
        the Odisha Millets Mission, women   to  millets  start-ups,  State
        are being tasked to take on roles   agricultural universities and its
        in processing, value addition, and   KVKs for technical support. To
        marketing, while also maintaining   transform the farmers and their
        their traditional role of post-    organizations into a business
        harvest operations and seed        entity, Indian Institute of Millets
        management.                        Research (IIMR) is training FPOs
            The     Food     Producing     to undertake processing and
        Organisations (FPOs) are also      value addition of millets and
        playing an important role in       connecting to markets to sell
        ushering in the Millet Revolution   their raw as well as value added
        in the country. Halchalit Mahila   products. Efforts are also being
        Kisan Women Farmers Producer       made by IIMR to connect FPOs to
        Company Ltd. is a women-centric    e-marketing channels.

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