Page 44 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 44

Millet Bhakri a Day,

                      Keeps Dullness Away

                                           Just use your millets and convert
                                           them into a bhakri/rotla. Eat them
                                           with a sabzi, dal, or chutney.
                                              I know that it is tough to make
                                           the rotlas and that they break.
                                           But I am going to share a kitchen
                                           secret on how to roll them without
                                           breaking. Add warm water while
                                           kneading the atta and then hand
                Rujuta Diwekar             press them before you put them
                                           on your iron tava. It must be noted
               Nutrition & Exercise
                 Science Expert            that millets are not a replacement
                                           for rice and wheat roti, which one
                                           should continue having.

                                           Why you should have millets?
                                              Apart from being inexpensive
                                           and easier to grow, they are a
                                           rich source of many vitamins,
            While  we   all  know  the     minerals and fibre. Some of these
        importance of millets and that     are:
        they are rich in fibre, amino      •   Niacin, a type of Vit B found
        acids, vitamin B,  minerals, etc.,    in millets, is useful in energy
        most of us do not know how            production,  nerve   health,
        to actually include them in our       and keeps the digestive
        daily meals. As a result, we resort   tract healthy. If you have
        to eating nachni chips or multi       food intolerances, this is very
        grain breads, or something like       helpful.
        that, invariably packaged and      •   The magnesium, zinc and
        processed. Is there a way for us to   fibre found in millets make it
        eat millets where we can access       an excellent food for blood
        all of their nutrients and create     sugar regulation, especially
        no ecological waste? Yes, there       for Polycystic Ovarian Disease
        is. And it is a well-known one.       (PCOD) and diabetes.

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