Page 55 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 55

any city or village in India can place   factory earning 10-15k per month,
        their orders on CSC Grameen        today the annual turnover of
        e-stores and as soon as the        my business is over 2Cr. We are
        query reaches us we make sure to   extremely grateful that we took
        deliver their Darji Online products   the right call & opportunity, and
        to their doorsteps. The distinctive   through the help of CSCs and the
        quality of this CSC e-store is     power of Digital India, are able
        that it has been ruralized for the   to make a good living. I urge the
        ‘Grameen’ customers, unlike any    youth  to  pursue their  dreams
        other e-commerce platform that     as well and tread on the path of
        only delivers to cities and select   becoming digital entrepreneurs.
        regions. Through our VLEs, small      On behalf of the 5 lakh VLEs,
        rural businesses associated with   I would like to thank the MD of
        CSCs can reach every nook and      our CSCs, Mr. Dinesh Tyagi, for
        corner of India today.             turning our dreams into a reality.
            I appeal to the youth of India   I would also extend my gratitude
        to join hands with CSCs. I can tell   to the Hon’ble PM for giving us
        from my personal experience        this platform which has enabled
        that nothing is impossible for us.   thousands of families to earn their
        I once used to work in a garment   livelihoods.”

                    Setha Singh Rawat showcasing the products of 'Darji Online'

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