Page 57 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 57

Gudiya Singh’s Pursuit of Education

           Accomplished through Digital India

            The impact of Digital India    was not only able to pursue her
        has  been vast,  cutting across    studies, but even completed
        sectors and regions. The advent    her graduation sitting in a small
        of the internet in rural India has   village in Unnao and making
        changed  the lives  of  many,      her family proud. This is the true
        especially the young generations.   strength of Digital India, which
        From  enabling easier  access  to   is motivating people to think
        online education and making        big and achieve their dreams,
        knowledge about the various        digitally  and with  much greater
        facets  of the  world  just a  click   ease.
        away, the internet has truly          Gudiya Singh, in an interview
        revolutionised the way people      with our Doordarshan team,
        study, learn and lead their        expressed her gratitude.
        lives. One such inspiring story,      She said, “I extend my
        mentioned by the PM in his 'Mann   heartfelt gratitude and thanks to
        ki Baat' address, is of  Gudiya    Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra
        Singh,  from   Uttar  Pradesh.     Modi  for mentioning  my story
        When Gudiya, after marriage,       in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address.
        came to her in-law’s house in      It is a moment of pride for my
        Amoiya village of Unnao, she       entire village and my family to
        wanted to continue her feat        get recognized on such a huge
        with education but was worried.    platform.  I have  been receiving
        This is when BharatNet came to     endless praise and motivation
        rescue. Through the usage of the   from people all across, all thanks
        internet using BharatNet, Gudiya   to the Prime Minister.”

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