Page 56 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 56

Arunachal Begins a New Chapter

                                  with 4G

            The  Government  of  India  is   villagers are extremely happy
        dedicated to take the Digital India   as they now have access to
        initiative to the hinterland and the   high-speech internet. With the
        rural areas of the country. And    installation  of the  4G  network,
        the North East is not untouched    a lot has  been eased  out. It has
        by this wave of development. 4G    enabled us, the administration,
        internet services                             to take the social
        have    reached                               welfare    schemes
        Jorsing   village                             to   the  doorsteps
        in Siang district                             of          villagers
        of    Arunachal                               through      digital
        Pradesh bringing                              mode.      Students
        with it a ray of                              can   now    access
        hope and many                                 online  classes,  and
        opportunities.                                most    importantly,
        The     facilities                            the   villagers  can
        which were once                               access    all  kinds
        available only in                             of       information
        the big cities are                            through  the  means
        now    reaching                               of the internet. I,
        every     village                             on behalf of the
        through ‘Digital                              Jorsing village and
        India’ initiative.                 the people of the Siang district,
            Atul    Tayeng,     Deputy     extend my heartfelt thanks and
        Commissioner,   Siang   district   gratitude to the Government of
        shared his thoughts on this with   India and Arunachal Pradesh for
        our Doordarshan team.              providing such facilities, even
            “I am very happy to share that   in remote places of the State
        Jorsing village, which is a remote   and making the lives of people
        village in the district, has gotten   easier.”
        access to 4G network connectivity   Scan the QR code to watch
        on 15  August this year during     the success story of Digital
        ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’. The     India in Arunachal Pradesh.

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