Page 47 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 47

hypertension, and are beneficial   Pickle Story's story more powerful
        for several ailments of liver and   by introducing healthy snacks
        heart, as they have high fibre and   using millets.  Sky  is  the  limit for
        mineral content.                   millet-based products. We are
            Since our country is the       currently making spice mixes and
        largest millet producer in the     murukkus from several kinds of
        world, it is our responsibility to put   millets grown in the State. We also
        in our efforts to make our millets   plan to bring other millet-based
        a global product. The Pickle Story   products which can become a
        has now joined the bandwagon       regular part of our consumers’
        and is making efforts to promote   breakfast, lunch and dinner.
        millets. We usually make pickles      The awareness about millets
        and powders, most of which         is gradually setting in among the
        are recipes handed down from       consumers.  When we give  free
        generations. Two years ago,        samples of our products, as a
        we  thought  we  should also       way to promote millets, people
        introduce millets in our products   come back to us saying that
        and introduce some ancestral       they want to buy these products.
        recipes which are prepared         Millets are also gaining popularity
        using millets.                     as street food. Considering all the
            Millets  are    grown    in    health benefits of consuming
        abundance in Telangana. So,        millets, I would say ‘Live Healthy,
        we thought why not make The        Live Happy’.

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