Page 48 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 48

A New Era of India's

                                           Digital Revolution

                                              On   1 st  July  2015,  Prime
            There has been a new
        sunrise in the form of 4G in the   Minister Narendra Modi officially
        remote areas of Arunachal          launched Digital India  with a
        and    North   East;  internet     vision to transform India into
        connectivity has brought a new     a digitally empowered society
        dawn. Facilities that were once    and knowledge economy. Ever
        available only in big cities have   since then it has changed the
        been brought to every village
                                           face of the country’s digital
        through Digital India.
                                           transformation.   Started   as
        -Prime Minister Narendra Modi      an ambitious initiative by the
         (in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address)   Government of India with only
                                           19% of the population connected
                                           to  the internet,  and  a  mere  15%
                                           with access to mobiles, Digital
                                           India today with  its successful
                                           trajectory has turned a billion
                                           dreams into reality.
                                              In  the present  times, much
                                           like Roti, Kapda, and Makaan
                                           (Food, Clothing, and Shelter),
                                           the  internet has  become  an
                                           indispensable  necessity  and
                                           a source of expanding social
                                           and   economic    opportunities
                                           in the country. With over a
                                           billion phones, over 600 million
          "Free internet in villages was   smartphones, and the cheapest
          indeed a dream which has         data rates in the world that has
          turned into a reality today.
                                           allowed people to use unlimited
          And for this, I would like to
          thank our Prime Minister, for    bandwidth on their devices,
          extending Digital India and      increasing digital literacy on
          bringing to life an initiative   subjects ranging from banking
          like BharatNet, which is truly   and education to farming and
          the backbone of our Digital      manufacturing was of utmost
          India.”                          importance in India.
                  -Om Prakash Singh
               Digital Entrepreneur, UP       Realizing this need, India’s
                                           road to digital transformation

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