Page 49 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 49

has been  paved  by
        various   Government
        initiatives that led to
        new digital platforms
        for    the    citizens
        and an increase in
        accessibility to such
            Digital India, since
        its  inception,   was
        focused on three key
        vision areas: digital
        infrastructure  as  a
        core utility to every
        citizen,  governance
        and     services   on
        demand, and digital
        empowerment        of
        citizens.  Burgeoning
        with time, Digital India in today’s   e-Pathshala, and BHIM, Digital
        day and age is enabling various    India is driving developments
        sectors to achieve massive         across the length and breath of
        scale and growth. Standing         the nation.
        tall on Government schemes            The  advent of  the internet
        such as Make in India, Startup     and Digital India has ushered
        India, Standup India, and many     in waves of change across
        more, and innovative initiatives   the hinterland, spreading its
        like  DigiLockers,  e-Hospitals,   roots in the rural landscape at
                                           an exponential pace. This has
                                           led to significant digitization
                                           in rural areas, especially in the
                                           education, agriculture, financial
                                           and    employment      sectors.
                                           Through programs like BharatNet,
                                           the Government has taken a
                                           step forward to connect nearly
                                           2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats for
                                           various e-Government services
                                           like telemedicine, tele-education,
                                           e-Health, and e-Entertainment,
                                           focused   on   creating   local
                                           employment        opportunities
                                           and   driving  socio-economic
                                           growth in the area. Further, to
                                           improve digital awareness, the

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