Page 50 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 50

"Digital  India  has  made
                                           around 10 billion transactions
          everything very convenient
                                           were made. Digital penetration
          for people. I can tell from my
                                           of UPI applications has seen a
          personal  experience   that
                                           steep growth in rural India due to
          nothing is impossible for us.  I   Government's push for pervasive
          want to extend my gratitude      connectivity and access to high-
          to the Hon’ble PM for giving     quality internet.
          us this platform which has          Another strategic cornerstone
          enabled thousands of families    of digitization in rural India is the
          to earn their livelihoods.”      Common Service Centres (CSCs),
                  - Setha Singh Rawat      aiming to provide high-quality
                  Darji Online, Founder    and cost-effective video, voice,
                                           and  data  content and  services,
        Government launched ‘Pradhan
                                           in  the  areas  of  e-governance,
        Mantri Gramin Digital Saksharta
                                           education, health, entertainment
        Abhiyan’ intending  to  make  six
                                           as well as other private services.
        crore Indians residing  in rural
                                           A    service  delivery-oriented
        India digitally literate.
                                           entrepreneurship model with a
            Unified Payments  Interface
                                           large bouquet of services made
        (UPI) is a successful example
                                           available  for  the citizens,  CSCs
        of  the  growing  acceptance of
                                           are revolutionising e-governance
        Digital India in rural areas. The
                                           in rural India.
        year UPI was launched, i.e. 2016,
        under the Digital India initiative,

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