Page 51 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 51

inspiring initiative of ‘Darji Online’,
         Common Service                    Gudiya Singh’s digital education,
         Centres (CSCs)                    Om  Prakash  Singh’s  journey  of
          Promoting Rural                  becoming a digital entrepreneur
          Entrepreneurship &               or the story of Jorsing village
          Digital Inclusivity
                                           and   their  convergence  with
          Ensuring delivery of e-services & products to citizens at  4G connectivity, these all are
          doorsteps, and creating digital infrastructure in villages
                                           testimonials of how Digital India
          500,000                          followed by Digital Village has
                                           successfully bridged the gap
          400,000        3.72              between Bharat (rural) and India
                         Lakh              (urban), enabling the country
          300,000                          to weave it into a dream for
                    2.12                   tomorrow   where    technology
                    Lakh                   can be used and accessed
              96,130                       by all.
                                              Digitalization has thus been
                                           one of the most important trends
              2014-2015  2015-2016  2020  2022  in India over the past few years.
                  -Functional CSCs-        This rapid growth helps propel
                                           India to the forefront of digital
                                           and technological innovation,
                                           particularly  leveraging   the
                                           energies of the country’s youth
                                           and rural population.
                                              India   has   reached   this
                                           pinnacle  of   digital  success
                                           because of the vision of Hon’ble
                                           Prime Minister Modi who once
                                           stated, “For me IT + IT = IT” or, as
                                           he elaborated, “Indian Talent +
                                           Information Technology = India

                                                 PM’s clarion call

                                            "Many lives in villages are
                                            getting new strength from the
            The Prime Minister in his recent   Digital India campaign. Do
        'Mann ki Baat' address shared the   write to me as much as you can
        success stories of many such        about the Digital Entrepreneurs
        Indians  who  are  heralding  a     of the villages, and also share
        brand new era of Digital India and
                                            their success stories on social
        leveraging access to high-quality
        internet. Be it Setha Singh Rawat’s
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