Page 53 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 53

Om Prakash Singh’s Journey Of

            Becoming A ‘Digital Entrepreneur’

            Our Doordarshan team talked to Om Prakash Singh ji in detail about
                             his entrepreneurial journey
            “I began my journey with       and more people got associated
        ‘Digital India’ through a digital   with this initiative, we were also
        literacy campaign in the village   able to generate revenue.
        (in Unnao, Uttar Pradesh), wherein    We have also created a free
        we initiated computer training for   WiFi hotspot zone around our CSC
        about 1,000 students. It was       for those who have financial
        around   this  time   that  an     constraints. Students often gather
        exceptional initiative ‘Digital India’   around the centre to finish their
        was launched by the Hon’ble        online assignments and avail
        Prime Minister.                                   e-services.  Free
        We were invited                                   internet     in
        to  attend   a                                    villages   was
        seminar in Delhi                                  indeed a dream
        where       we                                    which has turned
        learned about                                     into  a   reality
        Bharat Net and                                    today.
        how        the                                       When     we
        internet   can                                    started, it was
        reach    every                                    merely a team of
        household   of                                    two,   including
        every   village                                   me and my wife,
        through    the                                    providing  four
        optical  fibers                                   connections, to
        that       are                                    begin      with.
        installed but remain untapped      Today this large-scale digital
        across villages. We then, together   adoption  through  the  means  of
        with CSCs, joined hands for the    Digital India has resulted in over
        utilization  of  BharatNet.  We    1,200  connections  in  the village
        installed an ONT, and started with   with  over   20-30    people
        four  broadband    connections,    associated with us to utilize such
        taking the internet to significant   high-speed internet that was only
        spots in the village like schools,   imagined in big cities. And for this,
        hospitals, tehsil offices, Anganwadi   I would like to thank our Prime
        centres, and Gram Panchayat.       Minister, for extending Digital
        Through     this    high-speed     India and bringing to life an
        connectivity, the students were    initiative  like  BharatNet,  which  is
        able to take their classes efficiently   truly the backbone of our Digital
        during the pandemic. As more       India.”

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