Page 54 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 54

‘Darji Online’ : A True Testament of

                               Digital India

            Digital India is giving
        rise to new, budding digital
        entrepreneurs   in   the
        country. It is providing them
        with a platform to expand
        their business horizons
        and make the most of it.
        One such success story is
        of Setha Singh Rawat of
        Ajmer district, Rajasthan. A
        tailor by profession, Setha
        ji is today the proud owner
        of an e-store called Darji
        Online. Post pandemic, Setha ji    collaborated with CSC Grameen
        was willing to venture into the    e-store, which is an e-commerce
        digital space. In order to do so, he   platform by the government, to
        joined hands with CSC Grameen      expand our base post-pandemic.
        e-store and hired a few women      Today through the means of the
        to meet the large demand for       CSC e-store, we not only get orders
        masks by the customers. Little did   from across the country but are
        he know that this small start, with   employing over 100 people, aiming
        the power of Digital India, will turn   for 500 people in the next 3 years.
        into a successful business venture,   Such is the power and magnitude
        selling varieties of stitched clothes   of Digital India. We started Darji
        online across the country, and     Online only for the production of
        giving employment to hundreds      masks and kits initially, but today
        of women today.                    we deal in t-shirts, laptop bags,
            Our Doordarshan team got in    and various other items from the
        touch with Setha ji to know more.  garment industry.
            “During COVID times, we           Digital  India  has   made
        started a website called 'Darji    everything very convenient for
        Online'. A team of 5 people then   people. Today, anyone sitting in

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